FluentSecurity is a nice library which helps you make your Asp.net MVC application more secure with code-base configuration and in one place. By using this library you don't need [Authorize] attribute anymore and also it makes it easier to write unit tests. Go to the Nuget package manager and install the latest version and get started.
public class FluentSecurityConfig { public static void Configure() { SecurityConfigurator.Configure(configuration => { configuration.ForAllControllers().DenyAnonymousAccess() configuration.For<HomeController>().AllowAny(); configuration.For<AccountController>().Ignore(); configuration.For<AccountController>(ac => ac.CaptchaImage()).Ignore(); } }
And don't forget to let fluent security to handle the authorization in your application, in order to do this add the following configuration to FilterConfig in App_start:
public class FilterConfig { public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters) { filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute()); //Fluent Security configuration //To let FluentSecurity handle authorization globally within the application //It is important to set the attribute's filter run order to 0 so that FluentSecurity can enforce security rules before anything else in the request pipeline is executed. filters.Add(new HandleSecurityAttribute(), 0); } }
And don't forget to register the fluent security configuration in Global.Asax:
public static class StartupConfig { public static void Start() { MapperStartupTask.Run(); ViewEngineConfig.Config(); FluentSecurityConfig.ConfigureFluentSecurity(); FilterConfig.RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters); RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.EnsureInitialized(); BundleConfig.RegisterScriptBundles(BundleTable.Bundles); BundleConfig.RegisterStyleBundles(BundleTable.Bundles); } }
Note that you can use the following config to ignore wherever you don't need any security in your application: