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Unsafe Code in C#

Monday, 20 April 2015

Unsafe code in C# is code that can access memory directly, bypassing the normal safety checks provided by the runtime. It is typically used for low-level system programming or for interacting with hardware. The keywords used in unsafe programming in C# are:


  1. unsafe: This keyword is used to declare a code block or a method that contains unsafe code.
  2. fixed: This keyword is used to obtain a pointer to a fixed memory location, such as an array or a structure.
  3. stackalloc: This keyword is used to allocate memory on the stack.
  4. sizeof: This keyword is used to determine the size of a type in bytes.
  5. pointer: This keyword is used to declare a pointer variable.
  6. void: This keyword is used to declare a void pointer, which can be cast to any other pointer type.


Here's an example of how the unsafe keyword can be used in C#:


unsafe class UnsafeExample


    static void Main()


        int x = 10;

        // Declare a pointer to the memory location of 'x'

        int* ptr = &x;

        // Change the value of 'x' through the pointer

        *ptr = 20;

        Console.WriteLine(x); // Outputs: 20




In this example, we use the unsafe keyword to enable unsafe code in the UnsafeExample class. We then declare an integer variable x and obtain a pointer to its memory location using the & operator. We then use the pointer to change the value of x to 20, and print its new value to the console.


Here is a sample code demonstrating unsafe code with fixed keyword  in C#:


unsafe class UnsafeCodeWithFixed


    static void Main()


        int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

        // Get a pointer to the first element of the array

        fixed (int* ptr = numbers)


            // Access the array using pointer arithmetic

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)


                Console.WriteLine(*(ptr + i));






In this example, we use the fixed keyword to get a pointer to the first element of the numbers array. We then use pointer arithmetic to access the elements of the array directly. The * operator is used to dereference the pointer and retrieve the value at that memory location.

And the example of stackalloc:

unsafe class UnsafeExample


    static void Main()


        // Allocate an array of 10 integers on the stack

        int* ptr = stackalloc int[10];

        // Initialize the array

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)


            *(ptr + i) = i + 1;


        // Print the values in the array

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)


            Console.WriteLine(*(ptr + i));





Here is another example of sizeof:


unsafe class UnsafeExample


    static void Main()


        Console.WriteLine(sizeof(int)); // Outputs: 4

        Console.WriteLine(sizeof(double)); // Outputs: 8

        Console.WriteLine(sizeof(char)); // Outputs: 2




In this example, we use the sizeof keyword to determine the size of various data types in bytes. We print the size of an integer, a double, and a character to the console. Note that the size of a data type can vary depending on the platform and the compiler being used, so it is important to use caution when relying on the sizeof operator.


About the pointer: 


unsafe class UnsafeExample


    static void Main()


        int x = 10;

        // Declare a pointer to the memory location of 'x'

        int* ptr = &x;

        Console.WriteLine(*ptr); // Outputs: 10

        // Change the value of 'x' through the pointer

        *ptr = 20;

        Console.WriteLine(*ptr); // Outputs: 20

        Console.WriteLine(x); // Outputs: 20




In this example, we declare an integer variable x and obtain a pointer to its memory location using the & operator. We then use the pointer to print the value of x to the console, which is initially 10. We then change the value of x to 20 through the pointer, and print its new value to the console using the pointer and directly using the x variable. And finally about the void keyword that we mentioned in the first part of this post:

unsafe class UnsafeExample


    static void Main()


        int x = 10;

        // Declare a void pointer to the memory location of 'x'

        void* ptr = &x;

        // Cast the void pointer to an integer pointer

        int* intPtr = (int*)ptr;

        Console.WriteLine(*intPtr); // Outputs: 10

        // Change the value of 'x' through the integer pointer

        *intPtr = 20;

        Console.WriteLine(*intPtr); // Outputs: 20

        Console.WriteLine(x); // Outputs: 20




In this example, we declare an integer variable x and obtain a void pointer to its memory location using the & operator and the void* keyword. We then cast the void pointer to an integer pointer using the (int*) syntax, and use it to print the value of x to the console, which is initially 10. We then change the value of x to 20 through the integer pointer and print its new value to the console using the integer pointer and directly using the x variable.


Note that using unsafe code can be dangerous and should be used with caution. It can lead to security vulnerabilities and memory leaks if not used properly.


Category: Software

Tags: C#

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