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Try to focus on what you are doing exactly right now

Thursday, 13 December 2018

There are lot's of talk about this subject and it's really easy to talk about but not that easy one in action! I know that we have been surrounded by different problems and challenges, sometimes they can piss us off. When I'm talking to my friends or family they think that I'm representing what I've read in the motivational books and there is no action behind them! They don't care about my results, maybe the results haven't been so impressive yet, but they are just making an excuse for their laziness! I don't see in my responsibilities to admire someone to read books, to do exercise, to have a trip and to make their life happier. I'm doing what I've learned (and will learn forever) and representing them for those are listening anxiously.


I've planned every aspect of my life based on my desires, dreams, and interests either in occupation, business or in exercise and music. It took me a lot of time to become an expert planner and I'm working on it to make it improved every day based on a plan. I should say decisively that 80% prerequisite of being well focused is having a good plan. Suppose a busy day of your life, when you have to make 6 phone calls, to send 10 important emails, to have 2 meetings, to read 20 pages of a book, to write an article, to make exercise, to have a fun time with your family, etc. How would handle all of these in a day without having a plan? You have to have a precise plan and a dedicated time to every part of your life. Remember that all the effective people in the world are working based on a plan and nobody has achieved great success without that. 


When you plan to play piano in a specific time of a day, you won't think of anything else at that time because you unconsciously know that you have set a time for it and for other tasks of yours. If you make an effective daily, weekly, monthly and yearly plan to yourself, the product improvement of your company would not distract you when are playing tennis with your family because you have dedicated time for each of them. During the last two years, I've made my plans more and more accurate. I read every day about that and trying to experience new methods and make my life better. I will post about my time table schedule on 2/15/2019, you can see more about my plans, my handling methods in that post.


Have a good time and be effective!