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Metaclasses in python

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Metaclasses in Python is a mechanism for creating classes dynamically. In Python, everything is an object, including classes. Classes are objects of type "type". In a similar way, "type" itself is a class, and therefore an object. This means that we can create new classes dynamically at runtime, by calling the "type" constructor with appropriate arguments.


A metaclass is a class that defines the behavior of other classes. It is a template for creating classes, much like a class is a template for creating objects. A metaclass is used to customize the way a class is created, and to add additional behavior to the class.


In Python, you can define a metaclass by subclassing "type" or any of its subclasses. The metaclass is then used to create new classes by calling it a "new" method. This method takes several arguments, including the name of the class being created, its bases, and a dictionary containing its attributes.


One use case for metaclasses is to enforce certain conventions or constraints on classes. For example, a metaclass could be used to ensure that all classes that inherit from it have a certain method or attribute. Metaclasses can also be used to dynamically generate classes based on external data or configuration files.


Here is an example of a simple metaclass that enforces a naming convention for classes:


class MyMeta(type):

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):

        if not name.startswith('My'):

            raise TypeError("Class name must start with 'My'")

        return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)

class MyClass(metaclass=MyMeta):


class MyOtherClass(metaclass=MyMeta):


class NotAllowedClass(metaclass=MyMeta):


# Raises TypeError: Class name must start with 'My'


In this example, the metaclass "MyMeta" checks that any class created with it as its metaclass has a name that starts with "My". If the name does not start with "My", it raises a TypeError. Metaclasses can be a powerful tool in Python, but they should be used with caution. They can make code more complex and difficult to understand, and can be a source of bugs if not used correctly.


Category: Software

Tags: Python

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