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LMAX architecture

Friday, 17 February 2023

The LMAX architecture is a high-performance, low-latency, and highly scalable architecture used for building trading systems. It was designed to handle high-throughput trading applications and has been successfully used by LMAX Exchange, a multilateral trading facility, to process billions of transactions per day.


The LMAX architecture is based on a few key principles, including:

  1. Disruptor: The Disruptor is a high-performance inter-thread messaging library that allows for low-latency communication between threads. It is used to ensure that data flows smoothly between the different components of the LMAX architecture.
  2. Event Sourcing: Event sourcing is a way of storing data by capturing all changes as a sequence of events. In the LMAX architecture, all events are captured and stored, allowing for easy replay of events and a consistent view of the system.
  3. Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS): CQRS is a pattern where commands (requests that change state) and queries (requests that return state) are separated into different components. This allows for better scalability and performance, as well as easier maintenance and testing.
  4. Microservices: The LMAX architecture is built using a microservices architecture, where different components of the system are broken down into small, independent services. This allows for better scalability and fault tolerance, as well as easier maintenance and testing.


One of the key benefits of the LMAX architecture is its ability to handle large volumes of data with very low latency. This is achieved through the use of the Disruptor, which allows for fast and efficient communication between components of the system. Additionally, event sourcing and CQRS provide a consistent view of the system and allow for easy scaling and maintenance.


Note that the LMAX architecture can be used in various applications, not just in the financial industry or exchanges. As mentioned before, It is a high-performance, low-latency, and scalable architecture that can be beneficial in any system that requires high throughput and low latency, such as e-commerce, gaming, telecommunications, and more.


The architecture was originally designed for the LMAX exchange, which is a foreign exchange trading platform. However, the architecture has also been used in other financial institutions, such as banks and trading firms, as well as in other domains such as e-commerce and gaming. Some of the well-known companies that have used the LMAX architecture include:

  1. LMAX Exchange
  2. Barclays Investment Bank
  3. Betfair
  4. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  5. Vend


There are also many other companies that have adopted the LMAX architecture to improve the performance and scalability of their systems. 


In summary, the LMAX architecture is a high-performance, low-latency, and highly scalable architecture that is well-suited for building trading systems and other high-throughput applications. Its use of the Disruptor, event sourcing, CQRS, and microservices make it a powerful tool for handling large volumes of data with very low latency.

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