I'm a Dot Net developer, but sometimes I jump on other programming languages and I think it helps me to comprehend my main field of activity easily. I was just working with the list in Python. Let's create a simple list:
mylist = ["angular", "javascript", "typeScript"] print(mylist) ##For printing the list for x in mylist ##For creating a loop through the list print(x) print(len(mylist )) ##For getting the length of the list mylist.append("backbon") ##For adding an Item mylist.Remove("javascript") ##For removing an item mylist.clear() ##For clearing the list Del mylist ##For deleting the whole list mylist[1] ##For getting the member of an index mylist.Insert(4,"meteor") ##For inserting an item to a specific index mylist.Pop() ##To removing the last member of the list mylist.reverse() ## for reversing the list
Python also supports negative indexes. For example, the index of -1 refers to the last item, -2 refers to the second last item etc.
print(Mylist[-2]) ## output:javascript
And it worth mentioning that, python supports for slice as well
print(mylist[1:3]) ## elements 1rd to 3th print(mylist[:-3]) ## elements beginning to 2th print(my_list[2:]) ## elements 3th to end