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Introducing Z.bulkOperation

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Today I was tackling with a problem. It was about inserting and updating 200000 records of data. I just wanted to find a solution rather than writing Store Procedure. I just searched on the web and found a library named Z.BulkOperation

I dare say I had never seen handling this amount of data nicely in application level without even using a line of SQL code, it's awesome!

Fire up visual studio and a simple console or MVC application and install the package via:

PM> Install-Package Z.BulkOperations

PM> Install-Package Z.EntityFramework.Extensions

And run the following code sample and see the result:

   public ActionResult Insert()


            DbContextClass contextClass = new DbContextClass();

            var userList = new List<User>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++)


                userList.Add(new User


                    Email = "",

                    Id = Guid.NewGuid(),

                    Password = "123",

                    Username = "ehsan"




            return View();


The insert operation for 500000 of records would be 29.648 ms in my machine! And just for update operation for the same data:

   public ActionResult Update()


            DbContextClass contextClass = new DbContextClass();

            var userList = new List<User>();

            var users = contextClass.Users.ToList();

            foreach (var user in users)


                user.Email = "";               

                user.Password = "12343242";

                user.Username = "ehsanghanbari";




            return View();


It resulted in 28.232ms and for delete operation:

        public ActionResult Delete()


            DbContextClass contextClass = new DbContextClass();

            var userList = new List<User>();

            var users = contextClass.Users.ToList();


            return View();


It elapsed 14.324 ms.

I really enjoyed and hope you enjoy as well ;)

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