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Inheritance in Ruby

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

As I'm a beginner in Ruby, so don't expect me to write an advanced post about that. I'm writing for beginners like myself! I was just reading about inheritance in ruby. It is so funny! Look at the following class:


class Animal

  def speak

  "Hello from an animal!" 




inheriting from a class is so easy in ruby as well:


Class Cat< Animal



That's it! Let's print the output:


myCat =

puts myCat.speak


The output would be:  Hello from an animal!

There is a built-in function in Ruby called super which just like the base in C#.


class Dog < Animal

   def speak

 super + " And this is a Dog"




 And if we would like to create an instance from Dog and print the output, it would be:



dog =




Output:  Hello from an animal! And this is a Dog

I learned the inheritance in my last 15 minutes! I will share more about this lovely programming language.

Category: Software

Tags: Ruby

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