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In process session state mode in

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

You know a session is just a period of time for a specific user interaction in a web application. And the Session state is a feature in Microsoft for maintaining the same time for the user stored locally the Web server. InProc is the default session state mode and specified In-process mode to values and variables in memory on the local Web server. In comparison to other modes (state server and SQL server), InProc is faster as they both spend some time to serializing and desterilizing while reading and writing the data.


Usages and Disadvantages:

If your application is running on a single server and you are not dealing with lot's or online users, the best choice is InProc. Notice that in InProc mode, more session data are stored in memory and that can affect performance so you can't store more data in InProc mode because it stores your data in the memory. InProc is much much faster, has fewer requirements (serialization), but it's not a good idea to use it when the application is running on several web servers. It's obvious that data in InProc model will be lost if domain restart. When using InProc session state, the session will be stored locally on the server which served the request and therefore using the same Machine Key on both servers won't serve the purpose, so using it multiple servers is not recommended.

Category: Software

Tags: Asp.Net

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