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How to avoid the invasion of negative news

Thursday, 11 March 2021

We have been surrounded by lots of negative news undoubtedly. Have you heard about “if it bleeds, it leads”? Unfortunately, negative news attracts us more than other kinds of news, they know it and they feed us this news deliberately. They don’t care about anything else but their own benefits. 

To be frank, nobody can control all of this news and I think no one can claim that this news doesn’t matter at all! Checking the news for someone like me who is active in the tech industry and financial markets is necessary but there are some ways to avoid all-time attacks by dedicating a specific time and having control over it. 


As I love categorizing, and managing, so categorizing the media help me a lot in controlling this negative news. The following solutions help me to control these problems:


  • First, I don’t watch TV, for years! Because I prefer to be in my own control not in their control. 
  • Second, I have categorized the news based on the quiddity. For example, I don’t need to check political news when I want to check what’s going on in the tech world
  • Third, I don’t follow any sort of news on social media platforms as social media and news have their own specific time in my daily schedule.
  • Fourth, I’ve turned off all of the notifications about social media and news as it helps me to be more focused and productive
  • Fifth, I’m so tough about what I search in the browser that I’ve logged in with! For example, google suggests me a related video on youtube based on what I search in the google search engine or what I see on youtube. I usually use another browser for unrelated stuff to my goals, career, and hobbies

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