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Don't compare yourself with normal people!

Wednesday, 06 June 2018

As I've said before, I don't have the lavish lifestyle of Warren Buffet or Donald Trump And I'm not in that position to admire someone or remark the effective points to be successful! But I'm working hard on it and I'm in the process of becoming and definitely sure that I will be that one! In the process of becoming a hero, we have to be stubborn, anxious and undisputed. A great success is the result of the majority of parameters. As I read a lot about this subject and recently I'm reading a fantastic book with the title "Why we want you to be rich?" by Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump; therefore, I have to tell you that, you should have big dreams in your mind. The question is: How could it be possible to have big dreams!?


You could be able to see the successful people achievements and their position, you have to be able to listen to their advice and more importantly, YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT THAT YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING YET AND YOU SHOULD LEARN A LOT! Otherwise, I probably would have mentioned your name instead of Robert Kiyosaki! Donald Trump has mentioned several times that: "Don't be satisfied with your achievements!" It's really important to be appreciative about everything in life, but it shouldn't be the cause of being satisfied and taking no step toward success! Don't compare yourself with someone who doesn't have any special achievement. I know you are so nice and kind, but let's try to achieve something rather than the default god blessing features!


One should have a motivation to go forward. How would you supposed to have motivation while you compare yourself with someone fewer achievements!?

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