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custom arithmetic operators in JavaScript

Tuesday, 01 September 2015

In JavaScript, you can define your own arithmetic operators by overloading the existing ones. This is done using the built-in Symbol function to define a new symbol for your custom operator. Here's an example:


const myOperator = Symbol("myOperator");

// Define the behavior of the custom operator
const operatorFunctions = {
  [myOperator]: (a, b) => a * b + a - b // for example, define myOperator to behave as (a * b + a - b)

// Extend the Number prototype to use the custom operator
Number.prototype[myOperator] = function (other) {
  if (operatorFunctions[myOperator]) {
    return operatorFunctions[myOperator](this, other);
  } else {
    throw new Error("Operator not defined");

// Usage
const a = 5;
const b = 3;

console.log(a[myOperator](b)); // Output: 17


In this example, we define a new symbol myOperator and define the behavior of this operator using an object operatorFunctions. We then extend the Number prototype to use this custom operator. Finally, we can use this operator by calling it on a number using square brackets notation.

Category: Software

Tags: JavaScript

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