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Breaking the DI registrations of component in Core

Monday, 20 November 2017 Core supports for dependency injection by default, you can easily register your services like the following code snippet in Startup class:


public class Startup


      public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)


          Configuration = configuration;


      public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }

      public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)


           services.AddScoped<IMembershipData, MembershipData>();




Now if you want to register your services in a different class library rather than core project, in a layered architecture, as you know many DI containers support for modular resolving; we have the same capability in core:


public static class DIContainer


      public static IServiceCollection AddDependencyInjectionServices(this IServiceCollection services)


          services.AddScoped<ILogData, LogData>();

          services.AddScoped<IMembershipData, MembershipData>();

          services.AddScoped<INotificationData, NotificationData>();

          return services;




And you can easily register the class above in you Startup class:


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)





Category: Software

Tags: Asp.Net

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