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Before you quit your job by Robert Kiyosaki is unparalleled!

Thursday, 29 March 2018


It was about 16 years ago when I was only 13 that I found a book with the title: "Before you quit your job" by Robert Kiyosaki. I had read several books by Antoni Robins, Brian Tracy before that time, they were great and I still respect all of them and read their books and use them in my daily life. As a matter of fact, "Before you quit your job" was a sort of story, a real-life experience, enthusiasm, power, inspiration, expectancy and anything you can imagine that motivates you and empower you to achieve your goals! it was a kind of miracle for me! This book means a lot to me! I really don't know how many times I've read this book so far and it's again in my "Should be read" list and it's start time would be the next weekend!

I will always love this book! If you like reading motivational books, I recommend you to get around to this one!


Category: Prosperity

Tags: Books

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