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Technical Skills, Software Development, Real World Solutions, Enterprise Applications.
Python is widely regarded as one of the most suitable programming languages for AI and machine learning. You can work with a lot of programming languages and platforms to do AI jobs but Python is more...

Friday, 18 August 2023
Custom training loops in TensorFlow provide a flexible way to define and control the training process of your models. Instead of using the high-level fit() function, you have more control over the ite...

Monday, 03 July 2023
In the realm of technology and artificial intelligence (AI), cognitive systems represent a significant leap forward. These advanced systems combine the power of AI algorithms with human-like intellige...

Saturday, 24 June 2023
AI has become increasingly important in social networks, particularly as bots, and has had a significant impact on how users interact and connect online. It has the potential to significantly impact a...

Wednesday, 14 June 2023
While artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to bring about numerous benefits and advancements, it is important to recognize that there are also potential risks and dangers associated with its...

Tuesday, 02 May 2023
In the coming years, specifically in 2023, businesses will witness a significant milestone in the adoption of blockchain technology. This transformative shift will be facilitated by the rise of blockc...

Tuesday, 25 April 2023
There are many subcategories of AI and each has its own unique set of techniques and applications, and many AI solutions involve a combination of multiple subcategories. Artificial intelligence (AI) i...

Friday, 03 February 2023
We all hear a lot about AI these days; maybe more than before. The public services of AI are more available than before and now everyone can use the services easily. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is ex...

Sunday, 08 January 2023
Edge Computing refers to the practice of performing data processing and computation at the edge of the network, closer to the source of data. In traditional cloud computing, data is typically processe...

Tuesday, 29 September 2020
In my previous post about AI, I considered the definition of AGI. Now let's see what is ASI!? The definition and difference between ASI. Artificial superintelligence (ASI) refers to an art...

Saturday, 05 September 2020
Artificial general intelligence (AGI) refers to the hypothetical ability of an artificial intelligence (AI) system to learn and understand any intellectual task that a human being can. AGI is sometime...

Sunday, 23 August 2020